The Signature of Padma Hotel Chain

The latest Padma Hotel Semarang was designed to be the signature property in Padma Hotel chain. It becomes the largest hotel with 224 rooms, great Ballroom to house over 4000 people, large pools, landscape, arts, and forest like playground.

Being familiar with previous involvements with Padma Hotels in Bali, which clearly resort type hotels, the Padma Semarang brought a new challenge in lighting design as this is the first city hotel with business in mind. Started with human activities and emotions as the centre of thought, design direction was set to create ambiance that provokes movements in public space, as there will be more business activities, but turned into warm resort feels as the night comes. The room ambiance was set to be brighter and whiter than typical resort, under the consideration that guests will still “energized” during breakout in between meeting or other business activities. Further program allows guests to adjust the light to a more calming ambiance to rest.

Precise lighting for artwork and reception backdrop pictures elegance symphatetic with the hotel persona
Ready to check in ? (from Padma Semarang website)